Are you a university student studying English? These tips about how to change your language from colloquial to more academic may help. Many of my students are excellent communicators but still have problems making their sentences sound more academic. Take a look at this helpful chart from The University of South Florida:
Sometimes it is difficult to think of another verb to use. This chart from Unilearning may help:
And this is a really good guide from John Jay College (CUNY) with an exercise to practice:
It is a good practice to know your audience. If you are writing a manuscript to a journal, what type of journal is it? What style do they use? Read some of their published articles to understand what is a successful article, according to them.
Avoid slang, phrasal verbs, contractions and generally avoid using first person if you can.
Read your work out loud. This always help catch mistakes or understand where the language needs to be improved.
A thesaurus can be your best friend!
If you need additional help or practice, please contact me for a free session!