Becoming a freelance teacher in Spain
Before registering as a freelance in Spain, you need to get these two documents:
1.- NIE ( an ID for foreigner people in Spain)
Its necessary to book an appointment and the document you need is a “certificado de UE”
Please use the following link to book an appointment: x.html
Please read the instructions carefully and take all the required documents with you
2.- Social Security Number
You need to go to the social Security office and ask for “número de afiliación”
In Barcelona, go to one of these offices sdeRegistro/index.htm?Comu=C&Org=S&prov=08&loc=2
in Madrid, sdeRegistro/index.htm?Comu=M&Org=S&prov=28&loc=1
Once you have both documents, you need to go to Hacienda to register as a freelance, “autónomo” and ask for modelo 037.
Please don’t forget to take with you a copy of your NIE, the Social Security number and your bank account, as taxes are discounted directly from your bank account
Then, you have to go back to the Social security offices to reister as a freelance on the eyes of the Social Security. He needs to ask for certificado digital, so he can get accces
In Barcelona, go to one of these offices sdeRegistro/index.htm?Comu=C&Org=S&prov=08&loc=2
in Madrid, sdeRegistro/index.htm?Comu=M&Org=S&prov=28&loc=1
Once those steps are taken , you are fully registered as a freelance
The taxes you need to pay are the following:
1. Your personal taxes (IRPF), which are disccounted from your salary (7% or 15%)
2. Your social security taxes, which are paid monthly. The first yeat is 50% and then it dependes on your incomes. Please check the first month, its paid at the end of your first month
For more information, check out the youtube video by Oxinity: