I have been teaching English in Barcelona for more than 4 years – but the start of my adventure started after 6th Form when I travelled all over Spain, France and Turkey for nearly 2 years.
For 3 years, I was working with Escola Proa. Here is where I learned much of my skills and learned how to give fun and dynamic classes through – primarily – communicative English. The first year was almost completely improvised as this method was very new for me and I was quite often left alone with enormous amounts of students. The ESO staff would never leave me without new ideas to help me on areas of English that I wasn’t aware of myself. However high your level of English is, if you are using it as a 2nd language, I can guarantee that everyday you will learn something new about it every day!
During this time, I was also living with families from the school – a whopping 8 in total. Despite the hassle of moving constantly and having to communicate in 3 different languages (Spanish, English and Catalan), I will never forget the rich experience I had, the amazing relationships that I made and how useful it was in terms of applying the same situations at home to my experience teaching at the school.