First Post!
Hello everyone!
This is my first post, hopefully the first of many to come! I have decided that in order to keep this up and update the blog a couple of times a week, I have to follow the cities' cultural life and its events. Therefore, I'll try to post as many events in Madrid as possible and comment on them. This will also make me go to many of this activities and keep me more focused in Madrid's cultural life.
So, as I said in my CV up there, I have taught kids from 3 years old to 15, and adults of all ages. I have quite a lot of experience in teaching english, but there are two things I would love to do during my time in Oxinity: first, to teach philosophy to spanish teachers who look for jobs in bilingual schools or highschools in Madrid. History or Literacy would be fine too. Secondly, I would love to teach spanish to english speakers! It would be the reverse experience from what I have been doing until now and it could be challenging.
At the moment I am working on my disertation and final thesis so I can start my masters degree in Philosophy. I am dedicated to philosphy of the arts (aesthetics) and specially philosophy of music. I have been feeling what any english student who's starting their education feels: the anxiety attacks when you have to explain yourself in front of people who know a lot more about the thing you're about to talk about than you yourself do! So I feel you folks, I certainly do.
See you around!