I’m Peter, I am a Half-English/Half-Hungarian native English speaker. I have been teaching English in Spain for almost two years now. Currently I am in Madrid.
I moved to Spain, more specifically to a small village in Teruel known as Alcaniz, after finishing my degree in Politics. My move was motivated primarily by my desire to learn Spanish (of which I had no knowledge when I arrived in the small town in the somewhat forgotten region of Teruel).
During my first year in Spain I fell in love with teaching English and that led me to change my original plan – to return to the UK after a year – and I decided to continue my journey as an ESL teacher. However, despite the beauty of Alcaniz (See below for evidence) I decided to Move to Madrid with the hopes of experience the other extreme of Spanish life. From the tiny rural life to the huge city.
During my time here I have had the opportunity to teach in many different settings, from 1-1 private classes to working in a public institution assisting teachers with large classes. My most recent position as a teacher at a Private Academy has presented me with situations where I would go straight from a larger class of 10-year olds into a one-on-one class with a student studying English for business purposes. As a result, not only do I feel very comfortable teaching all ages and levels I have also become very capable at adapting my teaching methods to the audience at hand in order to maximise the positive impact of the class.
I look forward to the next chaper of my ESL carrer with Oxinity.