Catalunya is known for its so many excursions but this is one place I have heard so many people talk about. I am not one bit surprised. It's magnificently beautiful. Last weekend was a long weekend in Barcelona as it was San Juan. So, my friends and I rented a car and we decided to check out the beautiful valley of Mount Rebei as known as ´´Congost Mount of Rebei´´. It's lies on the border of the pronvince of Lleida and Huesca in Aragon. Congost Mont Rebei without a doubt is one of Catalunya's best landscapes. It's relatively around 3 hours away from Barcelona by car.
Rent a house and enjoy the calmness of nature
You can rent a house that is fairly close to Mount Rebei so you could enjoy the calmness of nature. We rented a cute old house which was 45 minitues away from the valley so it wasn´t so bad. Waking up to a picturesque and a relaxing enviornment is definitely missed when living in touristy and bustling Barcelona.
Which activity do you enjoy the most? Find it in Congost Mount Rebei
There are so many activities that awaits you once you reach Congost mount rebei. Activities such as Trekking, kayaking, rock climbing and swimming. We woke up at 7 am to have breakfast and leave by maximum 8 am. We had booked kayaking at 9 am and everyone was going to take off at 9 sharp from Congost de rebei. We started off by kayaking which took around 2 hours.
Kayaking was SO much fun! It was my first time to kayak so I shared a double with my friend. It seemed hard but it really isn´t. The river was so calm and peaceful that we stopped couple of times to enjoy being inside of the river with its maginifcent surroundings.
Followed by that we did a trekking of 3 hours. There are different trails and you could pick whichever that suits your ability. We took the path that is carved into the rock walls throughout the canyon. The views are vertiginous and in several points they have put handrails to guarantee security. The route is not dangerous however you have to pay attention not to get lost. Another thing you have to know about this trek is that you will be under the sun at all times without much shadows. Therefore prepare at least 2 or 3 liters of water with you I´d say and all the necessary needs to avoid the heat and protect your skin. It wasn´t easy but definitely worth the views.