Welcome to the future, you are in the year 2021, that's right-- two thousand and twenty one. Hurray!
Lets begin to say that social media has been around forever, but many of us were delaying on the idea of jumping in that boat. Yes, you were also skeptical about it like me at some point dont deny it *laughs*. But now after the world forcefully transitioning to remote working and studying, we can rapidly admit how effective it has been for most of us to use the internet and stay home with family might be beneficial, or perhaps not?
Anywho thats another topic I will discuss in another blog, *smiles*. Lets focus on instagram for those who don't know so much about it -- doubt it-- or atleast in the business format on instagram. There's thousands of users, but how many businesses or entrepreneurs are there? Let me give you a brief description of instagram and why we should take advantage on what it offers.
Instagram is a social media app for ios and android devices for starters, its a place where people can share videos, photographs , and just about anything-- except prohibited content-- and as they convey "Connect with more people, build influence, and create compelling content that's distinctly yours." (instagram, 2021) a perfect platform to either begin or continue expanding your business, organization or personal brand by taking advantage of the features.
Many people ask themselves this question, but let me explain what I mean by position. Its all about your intentions, are you looking to just be famous about your luxurious lifestyle or you have a business you'd like to integrate in the market through instagram or any other social media platform? Lets build a connection here. I'm your bestfriend right now and I will be asking you a few questions that will not only i save your life, but also your business and time in the process.
First of all, do you have a life plan? Who am I kidding no one does and if they do it doesnt always turn out how they want-- thats a silly question -- i'm just being humours with you, go ahead and shake off the stress.
Alright lets begin, do you have a vision? Have you identified your talents and/or birth gifts? (gifts that no one can do nor replicate).
Will you be working on something you love and not just for the money and fame?
Well for starters you need to figure out your vision, your instagram niche, the short and long terms goals. You can't position yourself on anything if your not clear in your goals.
Now, how can you position yourself after answering all those questions plus the ones you will be later on asking yourself is to:
1. Create an instagram account.
2. Creat a username specifically for either your personal brand, business (franchise/sole owner/etc) or your whole name if you will be offering services.
3. Study the market of your niche. For example " Potato farmer, belongs to the agricultural market sector".
4. Build content related to your niche.
5. Use all instagram features.
6. Interacte and engage wuth your followers and other public pages, for example: influencers and other people with your same niche and learn from them.
7. Use multiple tools that will help you generate content: for example, inshot for videos, instagram filters, etc.
8. Choose 3 or 4 colors that will identify your page content/brand. Be creative.
9. Create campagins with facebook, by linking your instagram to your facebook public/fans page.
10. Find your inner business and learners Spirit--its important to be willing to learn from others, take complimentary courses if necessary and always innovate on your content.
11. Choose wisely what type pf instagram page you want, either regular private page or public with business features, like having the option to add a shop with an external link to seel clothes, course, even service packages if your an english teacher or a telepizza. Who doesnt love pizza? *yum*, yeah telepizz doesnt have a pizza shop on their page *sad*.
12.Lastly, generate and share content on a daily basis by bombarding instagram algorithm to attract organic followers and generate visibility.
Remember to be patient as you begin this journey of beoming a content creator and marketer of your brand, if you find that this isnt for you. You can always hire community managers or digital marketeres to take that part of your buisness to handle your social media by following these steps for you. On the next blog I will be defining the steps above more thoroughly, that way you become a pro and start seeing results when you publish content 6 times a day tops--equivalent of 3 posts, 3 stories and if possible a reel--the new sensation on instagram. Stay tuned!