What is ‘umming’ and ‘ahing’, and how can fillers improve
your fluency?
No more sounding hesitant or indecisive when answering questions, using filler words and short phrases effectively to fill that tiny gap between deciding what to say and then responding is the way to go!
Fillers occur naturally in all languages, so don’t be nervous about taking a little bit of time to arrange your thoughts, to think about what you are going to say and what your opinion is on the topic.
“What do you like most about your country?”
“What is the best movie you’ve seen?”
“Should fast food be banned?”
- your brain usually takes a split second to register the information and formulate a response.
Fillers are useful words and phrases that manage the flow of dialogue, express subtle nuances in speech, and facilitate interpersonal connections. They are habitual and play a vital role in native English conversations, and most native speakers are often unaware of using them when speaking. So, instead of ‘umming’ and ‘ahing’, make sure to have several fabulous fillers in your fluency folder!
Informal fillers are commonly used amongst younger speakers, to emphasise what they are saying, as well as fill in those awkward pauses...like, um, you know what I mean, like…! This creates a casual, relaxed atmosphere, easing the tension and building rapport, as well as serving a variety of communicative functions by adding spontaneity to our conversations, making interactions feel more naturally fluent and less formal.
Here are some functional words and phrases you can use to fill-in-the-gaps and answer questions with greater ease and confidence.
Um, I was thinking, maybe we should try a different restaurant tonight?
So, what are you doing this weekend?
It’s just, you know, really hard to explain.
I was like walking down the street when I saw Brad Pitt.
Well, I guess we could leave early if you’re ready.
I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to go, but I’m really tired.
Actually, I’ve never been to that part of town before.
It’s basically used to get things done more efficiently.
These fillers match all the sentences, however keep an eye out for correct sentence structure and punctuation!
And remember to choose the fillers that best fit your communication style.
As I was saying, |
What I want to say is |
Hold on, |
I mean, |
Anyway, |
The basic idea is |
We use these seemingly insignificant words when pausing to think, hesitating, or taking a moment to gather our thoughts, especially when the conversation is flowing quickly!
These fillers allow our brains to catch up, helping us to gather our thoughts before continuing. They are therefore very handy when introducing a new topic, providing a reason or explanation, or clarifying something. In addition, they are often used soften our language so information is not delivered abruptly, and they serve to engage the listener in agreement, shared knowledge and interactive connection.
You and Maria are discussing online shopping.
Read the dialogue below and fill in the spaces with the useful phrases (the first example is done for you):
1 |
Well…let me see, I think |
2 |
That’s an interesting question, |
3 |
I’ve never thought about that, |
4 |
Hmmm, |
5 |
To be honest, |
6 |
It’s difficult to say |
7 |
That’s a tricky one, let me think |
Maria: So, do you think online shopping is better than going to physical stores?
You: Well…let me see, I think the best option would be to start with a simple approach. Online shopping is convenient, but doesn’t it depend on what you’re looking for?
Maria: ______________________________, I’ve never really considered it from that angle before. Especially when buying clothes, that’s something you can’t do online!
You: _________________________________, but now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense. Trying on clothes in a store does have its perks, and it means you don’t have to return stuff.
Maria: ___________, how do you think online shopping will evolve in the future?
You: ______________________, I’m not entirely sure how which way things will go. Maybe they can design something like virtual trying-on-clothes tools, do you think that would work?
Maria: __________________________, but I’m hopeful that physical stores will adapt and still be around. Or do you think they will just disappear?
You: ________________________, _________________ about that for a moment before I give you an answer. Maybe companies will focus more on experiences than just selling products? Let’s face it, going shopping at stores is fun!
Using fillers creatively can be fun and is a form of personal expression, making your speech distinctive and relatable. Embracing fillers makes your conversations more dynamic, engaging, interactive, and effortless!
However, a word of caution against overuse:
Fluency becomes stilted and unnatural when fillers are used all the time, so be selective about the fillers you use, when you use them, and why you are using them.
Remember to use them appropriately to enhance and boost your conversation and communication skills.
Exercise 1: Using fillers
As I was saying, |
What I want to say is |
Hold on, |
I mean, |
Anyway, |
The basic idea is |
Exercise 2: Online shopping dialogue
Maria: So, do you think online shopping is better than going to physical stores?
You: Well…let me see, I think the best option would be to start with a simple approach. Online shopping is convenient, but doesn’t it depend on what you’re looking for?
Maria: That’s an interesting question, I’ve never really considered it from that angle before. Especially when buying clothes, that’s something you can’t do online!
You: I’ve never thought about that, but now that you mention it, it makes a lot of sense. Trying on clothes in a store does have its perks, and it means you don’t have to return stuff.
Maria: Hmmm, how do you think online shopping will evolve in the future?
You: To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how which way things will go. Maybe they can design something like virtual trying-on-clothes tools, do you think that would work?
Maria: It’s difficult to say, but I’m hopeful that physical stores will adapt and still be around. Or do you think they will just disappear?
You: That’s a tricky one, let me think about that for a moment before I give you an answer. Maybe companies will focus more on experiences than just selling products? Let’s face it, going shopping at stores is fun!