When you aspire to the highest levels of competition, when your mind, time, and energy are focused on achieving a sports goal, learning Spanish cannot be an obstacle.
Time is the athlete's greatest rival. And it must be won!
Winning or losing time means getting closer or farther from your sports goal.
Academic and extracurricular activities must be part of the athlete's life in such a way that they do not pose another obstacle to overcome.
Nowadays, high-level athletes do not seek to sacrifice their academic success for the sake of sports. They aim to get the most out of each academic achievement.
Athletics, sailing, badminton, superbikes, water polo, table tennis, judo…
For many federations and clubs in Spain and abroad, Oxinity's solution fits them better because it has been designed with:
We replace commuting to a study center with autonomous practice with live teachers, at the time they want, no matter where they are.
We explain to the athlete how to learn a language and how to do it with the resources they already have.
Once we have the foundation, we accelerate with live classes, AI, and teachers from all over the world.
We define the most efficient route personalized according to individualized progress and reduce the learning time to a maximum of 18 months (from scratch).
Good performance telemetry does wonders, just like a strategy based on measuring progress in Spanish and optimizing to learn 5 times faster.
Your teacher won't accompany you at the press conference. Wherever you go, you have to understand and be understood.
Passing is very different from knowing. But you need to pass, and we can help you with astonishing simplicity: our Spindles are designed to incorporate all the content of an exam into a test-type game that practices and resolves your doubts for 100% success.