If your answer is yes, this post is for you.
Do you feel that Olivia Rodrigo is living with you, that you hear her every step of the way?
I know how you are feeling because I'm feeling the same way.
But who is this girl that has driven the world crazy with her song "driver's licence" and recently with her first album "Sour", that has just been launched?
If you type "Olivia Rodrigo" on google you'll get millions of entries but I've decided to help you and gather some information on her.
I've chosen 3 sources to introduce you Olivia Isabel Rodrigo, 18 years old, American singer.
Music is one of the most important tools to make the brain work, to create new brain pathways and connections, releases the "feel-good" chemicals, improves the state of mind, therefore music is highly recommended for your, our, teenagers.
On top of that they can learn a new language if they listen to music in a foreing language.
In adition getting to know better your children's idols is an excellent strategy to work on your relationship.
That's why you should meet Olivia.
Here you have feedback from Bilboard and Rolling Stone.
Reading these articles will allow you to know better Olivia so next time your son or daughter mentions her, you'll have the perfect words coming out of your mouth.
Talking about lyrics, her songs transmit what teenagers, specially girls, feel in this moment of their lifes - love issues, social media, romance, school problems, parents relations, acceptance. In her success "Driver's License" she mixes the fact that she passed the driver's license exam with a failed romance, that are the perfet ingredients for success among teenagers.
I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs
Crying 'cause you weren't around
And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
And all my friends are tired
Of hearing how much I miss you, but
I kinda feel sorry for…
Listening to this song also allow them (and you) to study English:
Pronouns - I / she / me / your
Verb To Be simple past and simple present - am/ is / are / were
Simple past - got / talked / were / drove/made/didn't mean / wrote/said
Prepositions - through/past/up
Present perfect - I've never felt
Informal contractions - 'cause / kinda
Isn't it the perfect match?
Like Hans Christian Anderson once said "where words fail music speaks".