The importance of studying English for Business
I sat down with some students at a law firm this week to discuss the importance of studying English for business, specially law.
One student explained that due to The growing globalization, the need for English has grown in importance. Legal problems are more international. Many lawyers now have clients in different countries and need to communicate with them either in person, in writing or by phone. Practicing English speaking and listening skills, can greatly assist you and your clients.
Another student, who works in corporate law, explained the English can assist with helping companies and affects the speaker’s skill in persuasion. The ability to persuade is a skill that can be learned in any language. Taking English classes can give speaker’s the opportunity to use their powers of persuasion.
Another student made the comparison between Latín and English words. This relationship is extremely useful when making associations between the spanish and English translation.
And finally, another student mentioned that English is helpful when dealing with foreign clients and reading contracts. Translation tools, like Lingue and Deepl, can help. However, the most effective way to learn English for Business purposes is to take English classes of course!
If you are interested in English for Businesses, contact me today!